"Love this style too, Here's a Picture for Matt Lanter .. If u accept suggestions of course ;))"
"I Love Lace dresses .. Since u will add more, I thought I could give u few suggestions: Reese Witherspoon -->> Here Nicole Kidman -->> Here Anna Torv -->> Here Daisy Lowe -->> Here Taylor Swift -->> H"
"WOW! Just wow, I love most of them! Blake Lively has a great sense of fashion ♥♥"
"Love it! great great choices .. Except, Shannyn Sossamon's .. I'm not really a fan of short hair .."
"Now, I wish I followed this show :( Great Job!"
"Amazing concept and decent design .. I loved it :-)"
"CooL! u can add Mrs. Nora Wakeman from My Life as a Teenage Robot .. "
"I agree with u about .. Kate & Richard - Bones & Booth .. But, not with Damon and Elena .. I think Stefan also deserves to be happy .. and he got Elena first ! Don't get me wrong, I Adore Damon "
"Amazing Job!! but I have a single question .. When I press on the first item, it goes to my friend list .. How did u do that ??"
"I Love the look of this list .. I watched only 7 or 8 movies from those .. So, I'll check it once in a while to chose movies I want to watch from .. Great list :D P.S I'm waiting your opinion about T"
"Did u watch Supernatural ? Jensen Ackles's performance is great there .. Though in Devour was totally bad (the movie was very bad itself).. Anyway, it's your list and it's your opinion. But you're wro"
"ONG !! the first picture is so freaky .. I didn't see Dead Silence, but because of these I'll never do :S You know what to be afraid of for sure :D"
"Wooow !! You watch Movies in school ?! That's so cool .. Great List :D"